Blinded by the light
I know better. Yes I do. I know that I know that I know what I know...or at least I thought I did. I guess I forgot. Or, maybe I was blinded. Yes, that's it, I was blinded. Blinded by self pity. Blinded by sin. Blinded by the enemy who likes nothing more than to set the stage for desperation and sit back and watch as the walls of one believer's world melt away into a puddle of tears and despair. Damn him. Is it wrong to curse the enemy? (too late.) I guess he is already cursed (and not even by me) and that is precisely why he is after me, planting seeds of doubt and despair, because he can't get at the One he's really after. Did I ever doubt the power of my Redeemer? No. I just doubted my Redeemer's power in me (which is basically the same thing). Clearly the enemy neglected that fact too. If he had remembered that he would have backed off not to have his ego squashed yet again by my Hero. Just when I was about to collapse under the weight of my world. I could not handle "it" any longer so... HE stepped in. He stepped in and said "Enough!...let ME handle this....beat it Satan! This one's mine!" And not too soon I might add. His timing was perfect. He is perfect. The perfect spotless lamb sent to the cross to redeem me. He will carry my burdens. He will hold me high. Where I go, He goes. Never will He leave me or forsake me, including into the pit. And, in His perfect timing, when I draw near to Him, He will pick me up and carry me out of the pit. My responsiblity is to hang on and not let go and NEVER forget that He is bigger than my problems. He is bigger than the enemy. And, He's better. Better than I could ever imagine. He's the best. He's my Jesus and He's got "it" all under control.
Thank you Jesus. That's all I need to say. Thanks for reminding me who I am. I am Yours. As one of "Yours" I will take shelter under Your wings, knowing that the enemy would not dare to show his ugly face in Your presence. Keep me tucked away there and if I try to even look out or away from You, blind me with Your light.
Thank you Jesus. That's all I need to say. Thanks for reminding me who I am. I am Yours. As one of "Yours" I will take shelter under Your wings, knowing that the enemy would not dare to show his ugly face in Your presence. Keep me tucked away there and if I try to even look out or away from You, blind me with Your light.