Oh, Praise Him!

I woke up this morning on the wrong side of the bed. It didn't help that I went to bed there last night. I was having a "self pity" day. This happens every year on October 3rd. Yesterday, October 3rd, my dad Carl Albert Schaich, Jr. would have been 62 years old. He passed away 12 1/2 years ago after a long and painful ordeal following a liver transplant. I have no regrets, I just miss him. Most days I really don't acknowledge this until I see that date on my day planner. Then I spend all day trying to ignore the fact that he is gone.
Well, this morning I was Psalm skipping. Hopping all over, starting with Psalm 63: 7 "Because you are my help, I will sing in the shadow of your wings" to Psalm 59:16 " But I will sing of Your strength, in the morning I will sing of your love" to Psalm 34:1 " I will extol the Lord at all times; His praise will always be on my lips." to Psalm 105:2 "Sing to Him, sing praise to Him, tell of His wonderful acts" and finally landing on Psalm 22:3 " Yet You are enthroned as the Holy One, You are the praise of Israel." I am reminded that God is enthroned on the praises of His people. He lives there! So today when I simply don't feel like singing praises I WILL sing! I will sing because I will find my friend there waiting to lift me up into the shelter of His wings. My God wants to be my strength for another day. He lives in my praises and if I want to get close to my ABBA I need to sing. Sing through the heartache, sing through the tears and be at peace with the circumstances. As I sing and praise Him I am declaring that the enemy will not run off with my joy. Just like I was all over the place emotionally today through the Psalms, like David, up and down, left and right I arrived at one place. God. He and I will overcome!
The sun is coming out. I can see it. Just in time. I found, on my computer, 17 songs with the word "Praise" in the title. They are blasting me out of the pit. Care to sing along??
Oh, Praise Him!
Oh, Praise Him!
He is Holy!
He is Holy!
